Chicago 2024 – once again, Barkan stars were aligned and in attendance!

Barkan Reunion

The stars were aligned and in attendance

Thanks to AAO’s November 2023 meeting being held in San Francisco, members and friends of the Barkan Society enjoyed a large reception at the Pacific Vision Foundation Eye Institute in Civic Center.
The event was both a zoom and in-person success as the Institute’s Education Center filled with colleagues playing catch-up with old friends from around the country and the world as they also enjoyed touring the institute’s excellent surgery center which just a few years ago had seemed a distant dream.
The mood was celebratory with remarks by Bruce Spivey, President Emeritus of the PVF board, who true to form, could be said, is a close friend of just about everybody in the room!
Dr. Kevin Denny
Viveka Rydell-Anderson with Drs. Bob Sorenson and Bernd Kutzscher

Kevin Denny, Department Chair and Viveka Rydell-Anderson, PVF’s CEO had worked hard to ensure maximum turn-out, along with Barkan Society co-chairs, Bernd Kutzscher and Bob Sorenson who announced that they are greatly encouraged to find renewed enthusiasm by alums of our particularly high intensity program.

Drs. Susan Day, Gary and Diana Arsham
Drs. Rona Silkiss and Ruth Williams

AAO leadership was in evidence with former Presidents Susan Day and Ruth Williams reconnecting with so many others who have played important roles in AAO educational activities.

Dr. Robert Stamper
Bill and Susy Stewart are catching up with Mike and Linda Allen

In addition to Susan Day, two former department chairs were warmly greeted.

Dr. Erich Horn
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Porter
L to R Drs. Rishi Doshi, Dusty Pomerleau and Mei Tan
Alums coming from far away included Erich Horn from Florida, Dusty Pomerleau from Australia, Roz Stevens from New Hampshire. Michael Chappell came from Kansas City while closer to San Francisco, Rishi Doshi came from Los Angeles and Ivan Schwab from not-so-far away Sacramento! Long time volunteer faculty member, Joel Porter from New Jersey was there with his wife Bobbi.
Dr. Ivan Scwab
There was a definite international element in the room, a visible sign of Barkan member’s strong emphasis on worldwide ophthalmology. Bruce Spivey’s friends came from everywhere!
l to r. Drs. BGK Ajayi, from Ibadan, Nigeria, Edwardo Mayorga, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Gabriella Palis,from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Eddie Legodi, from Pretoria, South Africa and our own Bernd Kutzscher
We were also delighted to see Thulsi (Thulasiraj Ravilla) along with his wife Chitra) who were happily reminiscing with Susy Stewart.
Members who have volunteered at Hospital de la Familia were delighted to reconnect with a delegation from Guatemala, San Salvador and Ecuador.

Low Vision stalwarts Gus Colenbrander and Don Fletcher traded news and discussed the soon to be announced addition of Gerry Slean to provide Low Vision services

Current residents were seen happily connecting with their esteemed predecessors

Dr. Sam Reiter, Co-Program Director
Former Program Director Kasra Eliasieh was on hand to hear his replacement Sam Reiter speak. Sam now shares the duties of Program Director along with fellow alum Ann Thomas.

It was great to see SKIVS ably represented by John Brabyn and Dr. Arvind Chandna.
It was a family affair for Charlene Hsu-Winges with her daughter Kim while Bernd and Marilyn Kutzscher proudly watched daughter Annie. Matt Denny was also on hand while Denice Barsness made it a date with son Thor. Of course, there are those who can remember when each of these folks were born!

Dr. David Goldschmid, Medical Director, and Janet Reilly, Board Chair of the Clinic By the Bay
Partnerships were celebrated with the Lions Eye Clinic stalwarts Mark Paskvan and Marina Soboleva along with the Lion’s Executive Director John Posey. Many in the room were happy to see how the Lions Clinic is now well established in their well-equipped home at the Eye Institute.

Leaders of our latest partner, Clinic by the Bay, were pleased to meet with Barkan members, as they were introduced as representatives of this non-profit which is now referring ophthalmology patients to the Lions Eye Clinic.
Dr. Anita Agarwal
Drs. Patricia Wong and George Tanaka
Dr. Gaurav Shah

We couldn’t photograph all of the distinguished faculty members in attendance but some of them included, Drs Barry Kerman, Mark Mandel, David Heiden, Andy Calman, Dan Goodman, Stu Seiff, Rich Imes, Edie DeNiro, Emmett Cunningham, Jonathan Hernandez and Bill Good.

Naturally, members of the PVF board were also on hand, Anne Fung in person and father Wayne via zoom, Bob Nelson, Lee Schwartz, Bob Webster and Steven Young also attended, along with supporters like Dr Alan Harley and Hans Barkan’s grandson, John Barkan!

The next Barkan event is the annual Barkan Day scheduled for June 15, 2024
Watch this space!