Chicago 2024 – once again, Barkan stars were aligned and in attendance!
Barkan Reunion
The stars were aligned and in attendance

Kevin Denny, Department Chair and Viveka Rydell-Anderson, PVF’s CEO had worked hard to ensure maximum turn-out, along with Barkan Society co-chairs, Bernd Kutzscher and Bob Sorenson who announced that they are greatly encouraged to find renewed enthusiasm by alums of our particularly high intensity program.

AAO leadership was in evidence with former Presidents Susan Day and Ruth Williams reconnecting with so many others who have played important roles in AAO educational activities.

In addition to Susan Day, two former department chairs were warmly greeted.

Low Vision stalwarts Gus Colenbrander and Don Fletcher traded news and discussed the soon to be announced addition of Gerry Slean to provide Low Vision services

Current residents were seen happily connecting with their esteemed predecessors

It was great to see SKIVS ably represented by John Brabyn and Dr. Arvind Chandna.
It was a family affair for Charlene Hsu-Winges with her daughter Kim while Bernd and Marilyn Kutzscher proudly watched daughter Annie. Matt Denny was also on hand while Denice Barsness made it a date with son Thor. Of course, there are those who can remember when each of these folks were born!

Leaders of our latest partner, Clinic by the Bay, were pleased to meet with Barkan members, as they were introduced as representatives of this non-profit which is now referring ophthalmology patients to the Lions Eye Clinic.

We couldn’t photograph all of the distinguished faculty members in attendance but some of them included, Drs Barry Kerman, Mark Mandel, David Heiden, Andy Calman, Dan Goodman, Stu Seiff, Rich Imes, Edie DeNiro, Emmett Cunningham, Jonathan Hernandez and Bill Good.
Naturally, members of the PVF board were also on hand, Anne Fung in person and father Wayne via zoom, Bob Nelson, Lee Schwartz, Bob Webster and Steven Young also attended, along with supporters like Dr Alan Harley and Hans Barkan’s grandson, John Barkan!
The next Barkan event is the annual Barkan Day scheduled for June 15, 2024
Watch this space!