Howe Medal Recipients
Our Barkan achievers

The highly prestigious American Ophthalmological Society (AOS) is a unique, invitational organization, limited to 275 active members nationally. Members must be nominated to be considered for admission and are required to submit an original thesis for review prior to being selected for membership. Six Barkan Society ophthalmologists have served as president of AOS and 15 have been numbered as members.
The AOS was founded in 1864 as the first specialty society in the US, just 13 years after Helmholtz invented the ophthalmoscope. The founders established an organizational format that set ethical as well as scientific standards and the AOS membership has served to influence virtually every facet of American ophthalmology, continuing to sustain its original purpose, “the advancement of ophthalmic science and art.”
The highest honor awarded annually by the AOS is the Howe Medal, named for Lucien Howe, MD (1848-1928). The honor has been given for distinguished service to ophthalmology since 1926. The following members of the Barkan Society have been recipients of the Howe Medal:
- Susan Day, MD, 2016
- Arthur Jampolsky, MD, 2004
- Alan Scott, MD, 1998
- William Spencer, MD, 1995
- Bruce Spivey, MD, 1993
- Robert Shaffer, MD, 1985
- Edward Maumanee, MD, 1969
- Dohrmann Pischel, MD, 1966
- Otto Barkan, MD, 1954